10,778 research outputs found

    A fretting crack initiation prediction taking into account the surface roughness and the crack nucleation process volume

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    This paper presents an experimental study of the fretting crack nucleation threshold, expressed in terms of loading conditions, with a cylinder/plane contact. The studied material is a damage tolerant aluminium alloy widely used in the aerospace application. Since in industrial problems, the surface quality is often variable, the impact of a unidirectional roughness is investigated via varying the roughness of the counter body in the fretting experiments. As expected, experimental results show a large effect of the contact roughness on the crack nucleation conditions. Rationalisation of the crack nucleation boundary independently of the studied roughnesses was successfully obtained by introducing the concept of effective contact area. This does show that the fretting crack nucleation of the studied material can be efficiently described by the local effective loadings inside the contact. Analytical prediction of the crack nucleation is presented with the Smith-Watson-Topper (SWT) parameter and size effect is also studied and discussed.Comment: 21 figure

    NodeTrix: Hybrid Representation for Analyzing Social Networks

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    The need to visualize large social networks is growing as hardware capabilities make analyzing large networks feasible and many new data sets become available. Unfortunately, the visualizations in existing systems do not satisfactorily answer the basic dilemma of being readable both for the global structure of the network and also for detailed analysis of local communities. To address this problem, we present NodeTrix, a hybrid representation for networks that combines the advantages of two traditional representations: node-link diagrams are used to show the global structure of a network, while arbitrary portions of the network can be shown as adjacency matrices to better support the analysis of communities. A key contribution is a set of interaction techniques. These allow analysts to create a NodeTrix visualization by dragging selections from either a node-link or a matrix, flexibly manipulate the NodeTrix representation to explore the dataset, and create meaningful summary visualizations of their findings. Finally, we present a case study applying NodeTrix to the analysis of the InfoVis 2004 coauthorship dataset to illustrate the capabilities of NodeTrix as both an exploration tool and an effective means of communicating results

    Transatmospheric vehicle research

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    Research was conducted into the alternatives to the supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engine for hypersonic flight. A new engine concept, the Oblique Detonation Wave Engine (ODWE) was proposed and explored analytically and experimentally. Codes were developed which can couple the fluid dynamics of supersonic flow with strong shock waves, with the finite rate chemistry necessary to model the detonation process. An additional study was conducted which compared the performance of a hypersonic vehicle powered by a scramjet or an ODWE. Engineering models of the overall performances of the two engines are included. This information was fed into a trajectory program which optimized the flight path to orbit. A third code calculated the vehicle size, weight, and aerodynamic characteristics. The experimental work was carried out in the Ames 20MW arc-jet wind tunnel, focusing on mixing and combustion of fuel injected into a supersonic airstream. Several injector designs were evaluated by sampling the stream behind the injectors and analyzing the mixture with an on-line mass spectrometer. In addition, an attempt was made to create a standing oblique detonation wave in the wind tunnel using hydrogen fuel. It appeared that the conditions in the test chamber were marginal for the generation of oblique detonation waves

    I - Matter, antimatter and geometry II - The twin universe model : a solution to the problem of negative energy particles III - The twin universe model plus electric charges and matter-antimatter symmetry

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    We introduce a new dynamical group whose coadjoint action on its momentum space takes account of matter-antimatter symmetry on pure geometrical grounds. According to this description the energy and the spin are unchanged under matter-antimatter symmetry. We recall that the antichron components of the Poincar\'{e} group, ruling relativistic motions of a mass-point particle, generate negative energy particles. The model with two twin universes, inspired by Sakharov's one, solves the stability issue. Positive and negative energy particles motions hold in two distinct folds. The model is extended to charged particles. As a result, the matter-antimatter duality holds in both universes.Comment: 19 Fevrier 200

    First-Passage Time and Large-Deviation Analysis for Erasure Channels with Memory

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    This article considers the performance of digital communication systems transmitting messages over finite-state erasure channels with memory. Information bits are protected from channel erasures using error-correcting codes; successful receptions of codewords are acknowledged at the source through instantaneous feedback. The primary focus of this research is on delay-sensitive applications, codes with finite block lengths and, necessarily, non-vanishing probabilities of decoding failure. The contribution of this article is twofold. A methodology to compute the distribution of the time required to empty a buffer is introduced. Based on this distribution, the mean hitting time to an empty queue and delay-violation probabilities for specific thresholds can be computed explicitly. The proposed techniques apply to situations where the transmit buffer contains a predetermined number of information bits at the onset of the data transfer. Furthermore, as additional performance criteria, large deviation principles are obtained for the empirical mean service time and the average packet-transmission time associated with the communication process. This rigorous framework yields a pragmatic methodology to select code rate and block length for the communication unit as functions of the service requirements. Examples motivated by practical systems are provided to further illustrate the applicability of these techniques.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    On the Performance of Short Block Codes over Finite-State Channels in the Rare-Transition Regime

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    As the mobile application landscape expands, wireless networks are tasked with supporting different connection profiles, including real-time traffic and delay-sensitive communications. Among many ensuing engineering challenges is the need to better understand the fundamental limits of forward error correction in non-asymptotic regimes. This article characterizes the performance of random block codes over finite-state channels and evaluates their queueing performance under maximum-likelihood decoding. In particular, classical results from information theory are revisited in the context of channels with rare transitions, and bounds on the probabilities of decoding failure are derived for random codes. This creates an analysis framework where channel dependencies within and across codewords are preserved. Such results are subsequently integrated into a queueing problem formulation. For instance, it is shown that, for random coding on the Gilbert-Elliott channel, the performance analysis based on upper bounds on error probability provides very good estimates of system performance and optimum code parameters. Overall, this study offers new insights about the impact of channel correlation on the performance of delay-aware, point-to-point communication links. It also provides novel guidelines on how to select code rates and block lengths for real-time traffic over wireless communication infrastructures
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